Do you want 1 - 1 private tutoring for your history A-level course?

Want lots of free content that exactly matches your history modules?

I’m Nick Morgan.

I graduated from the University of Bath with a 2:1 in Economics and Politics and completed a Masters degree in Modern History at Canterbury Christchurch University, with a distinction.

I spent several years in the corporate world before moving into teaching. I have taught in both the state and private sector and was most recently teaching history at an independent school in Hampshire.

Since moving into teaching I have authored 5 GCSE textbooks and a GCSE revision guide. I'm currently focusing on finishing 2 A-level textbooks due out in mid 2024, (you can see what I have written so far via the e-book section below).

Book a free lesson with me.

Feel free to contact me via the contact form at the bottom of this page if you have any questions and I'll come back to you as soon as I can.

a bit more about me on video.....
Click here to book a lesson.

If you want to book online lessons, I have a small number of slots I keep free for students each week. The first lesson is completely free. So if you just want a taster, go ahead and reserve a slot and there’s no charge.

For subsequent lessons the cost is £60 for a 1 hour lesson or you can book a course of 10 lessons for £540.

I can tutor you in any of the following topic areas and am happy to work with you whichever examining board your school or college uses:


● Germany: 1871 - 1955 (including the very popular Weimar to Hitler module)

● WW1 and WW2

● Medicine through time

● Crime and punishment through time

● Cold war relations

● Civil rights in America 1945 - 1974


● Modern Britain: 1900 - present

● The British Empire

● Russia: 1855 - 1964

● Germany: 1871 - 1955
● France: 1774 - 1815

If you are studying a topic not covered by the list above we can discuss it and I’ll let you know if I think I could mentor you to the level you deserve. For example I have read widely or written on subjects such as:

  • Modern Irish history

  • Military history
Italian Fascism

And for A-level students, I can also help you with your extended essay (4,000 words) which is a component of all A-level syllabuses.

The first lesson is free so simply click here to access my online calendar and book a free lesson with me.

It's completely free, just book whatever time best suits you and then I'll send you through a Teams link to use for the lesson.
Private Tutoring image

1-1 tutoring

1 -1 and group lessons are conducted via Teams. For 1 - 1 lessons I find the best format is to review what you have learnt at school over the previous week to 10 days and then to focus in on areas that you feel you want more understanding of. Normally from discussions with pupils I can identify very quickly any gaps in knowledge or misunderstandings and they are typically addressed at the same time. I recommend every 4th of 5th lesson we review your most recent homework to identify any misunderstandings or bolster any gaps in knowledge. Depending on how advanced the student is or how close they are to their y13 exams, the final part of the lesson will often look at questions from previous A-level history papers to tutor the student in both the technique of answering them and also discussing with them the content required to get the top grades.

Group tutorials

Conducted via Teams. Shortly I will be introducing group lessons. They will follow the similar format as a 1 to 1 lesson, but will have up to 6 students participating. If you would like to get your name on the list for the tutorials, just give me your email and I will send you details of the tutorial groups I am running and you can join whichever one you want. Group tutorials are very useful because they are a little more cost effective and a great way to bounce ideas off other students and share best practice.

Free stuff

I create free content that exactly matches the curriculum you are studying. Typically that is a review of each video tutorial I create (on my YouTube channel and also the videos section here), along with graphics highlight timelines and mind maps to help you zero in on the key arguments for each different topic. You are very welcome to download/copy/circulate the material as much as you like to friends and teachers.


The book is due for completion at the end of March, 2024. The first 9 chapters have been completed so you are very welcome to use it right now. Just click on the link below. I am adding a new chapter every 10 days and each chapter roughly corresponds to 2 weeks of study a typical A-level student would undertake at school.

Click here to view the free e-book that accompanies this series.

(I'd recommend you go full screen to make it easy to scroll through the pages and close down the annoying adverts that pop up!).

I have also created a free content page packed with timelines and mindmaps which you are welcome to view and download and use as you wish.

Click here to view those free graphics.

If you need any help, book a free lesson with me. First one is free !


The book is due for completion at the end of July, 2024. The first few chapters have been completed so you are very welcome to use it right now. Just click on the link below. I am adding a new chapter every 10 days and each chapter roughly corresponds to 2 weeks of study a typical A-level student would undertake at school.

Click here to view the free e-book that accompanies this series.

(I'd recommend you go full screen to make it easy to scroll through the pages and close down the annoying adverts that pop up!).

I have also created a free content page packed with timelines and mindmaps which you are welcome to view and download and use as you wish.

Click here to view those free graphics.

If you need any help, book a free lesson with me. First one is free !

Access the exam technique guide image
Here are the first few chapters (sorry....not quite finished) of the A-level exam technique guide.

Click here to access the book.

(I'd recommend you go full screen to make it easy to scroll through the pages and close down the annoying adverts that pop up!).

France under Louis XVI and the ancien regime

France under Louis XVI and the ancien regime

This help guide covers the context of the French Revolution and gives you a detailed understanding of the economy, political structure and power dynamics inside the ancien regime.

The ideas of the Enlightenment and the pampleteers

The ideas of the Enlightenment and the pampleteers

Otherwise known as the age of reason, what was the Enlightenment, who were its key thinkers and in what way did it influence the course of the revolution?

1789 - The revolution  begins

1789 - The revolution begins

This is a generic article you can use for adding article content / subjects on your website.